A Taste of the Wild

by Leorus Grundy
Chapter : 7

Cloaked in Darkness

But that needy, horny part of me would have to take a back seat because right now, because there was another need in me that was protesting loudly, drowning out every other desire, even the aches that were radiating from all over my body. HUNGER. My stomach growled loudly in vehement agreement with that thought.

Faizi chuckled softly at the sound. “Sorry. I almost forgot you haven’t eaten anything all day.”

“And it looks like I won’t be eating anything all night either,” I replied glumly, my voice sounding weak even to my own ears.

“Not necessarily.”

I perked up at that. I lifted myself off his chest and tried and look at his face. But I could barely see as the only light inside the cave were the remnants of the moonlight seeping in through the hole we fell through. “What do you mean, not necessarily?” I asked his dark silhouette.

“I think there’s a Jamba fruit tree nearby. I remember brushing against its branches just before the rocky terrain started. Or at least, I think it was a Jamba fruit tree. There were definitely a lot of red, fruity things on it.”

Just the thought of fresh Jamba fruits began to make my mouth water, their sweet, tangy flavor already teasing my senses as if I could taste them. The mere possibility of those ripe fruits waiting just outside was enough to kick my brain back into gear. I brainstormed quickly – It is extremely risky to step outside as we have no idea whether the elephant truly left or not. What if it was lying in wait, silently stalking the entrance we had tumbled through, ready to attack the moment we showed ourselves?

Determined to assess the situation, I reluctantly pulled away from Faizi’s comforting embrace, a chill immediately replacing the warmth of his arms. My muscles screamed in protest as I moved, but I ignored the pain, knowing that if we were going to survive the night—and possibly snag those fruits—we needed to be sure the coast was clear.

Carefully, I began to inspect the cave, trying to discern our surroundings in the faint light. A sliver of moonlight seeped through the hole we had tumbled through, casting a dim, ghostly glow across the rocky floor. It wasn’t much, but it was just enough to reveal something I hadn’t noticed before—a narrow path leading deeper into the cave.

Curiosity and a flicker of hope stirred within me as I strained my eyes to see further down the path. My breath caught when I noticed another faint glow seeping in from somewhere a few meters ahead, illuminating the rugged walls just enough to suggest there might be another opening on the other side. My heart quickened at the realization. If there was another way out, it could mean safety—or, at the very least, a chance to avoid confronting that elephant head-on again.

“Faizi…look,” I whispered, pointing toward the faint glow in the distance. “I think there’s another opening over there.”

Faizi squinted in the direction I indicated, his brow furrowing as he focused. “Huh! I think you’re right. I’ll go and check it out. You stay—”

“NOO!!!” I cried out in dismay, the word escaping before I could even think. Instinctively, I scooted back, pressing my body into his chest. The mere thought of being separated from him, even if only by a few meters, filled me with a sudden and overwhelming dread. My heart pounded, and I realized that the only reason I hadn’t completely unraveled was the sense of safety his presence provided.

“I mean…please take me with you too,” I added, my voice trembling as I clung to him. “I’m scared to be alone.”

Faizi didn’t say anything, but the silence between us felt electric. I could sense a sudden tension, a charge in the air that seemed to thrum with unspoken desire. Something firm was pressing against my lower back, growing in size, and I realized with a shiver that it was him. His warm, ragged breaths fell heavily against my moist shoulders, the heat of them sending tingles down my spine. My own breathing inexplicably quickened, matching the pounding of my heart. I felt his nose brush lightly against my scalp, and a thrill shot through me. Was he smelling my hair?

Our closeness was making him horny—I could feel it in the way his body responded to mine. And I wasn’t faring any better. A delicious ache began to coil low in my belly, my insides clenching in a desperate, almost unbearable craving.

“Umm…Faizi?” I whispered, my voice barely audible as I turned my head slightly. My cheek was now just inches from his lips, and I could almost feel the magnetic pull of his desire, drawing him toward me. The anticipation was intoxicating, and I found myself silently begging for him to close the distance, to bridge the gap between us with a kiss that I so desperately craved.

“Yes…” he whispered, his breath warm against my ear as he pressed his forehead against the side of mine. “I… yes, but… Deepika… your legs… you’re hurt, and you can barely walk. Plus, the path looks so narrow—barely enough room for one person to squeeze through.”

“And that makes it even better, doesn’t it?” I said eagerly, my voice laced with determination. “I can manage without putting weight on the hurt leg by supporting myself against the walls. But I want you close behind me, holding me from behind, guiding me.”

For a few moments, the only sounds were the distant hum of the forest and our ragged breathing as he mulled over my suggestion. The air between us felt thick with unspoken tension, and I could almost feel the internal battle he was waging. Finally, he exhaled deeply and said, “Alright. Let’s do that.”

Having come to an agreement, I slowly began to rise, careful not to put any weight on my injured foot. Suddenly, I yelped in surprise as I felt Faizi’s palms on my bum, only to realize that he was just helping me stand by taking some of my weight into his hands—though it didn’t stop a delicious thrill from running through me. YUMM. Even if it wasn’t his intention, the sensation was undeniably nice.

As I steadied myself, he stood up behind me. His strong arm slid around my waist—MY BARE WAIST—sending shivers down my spine. My skin tingled under his touch, and despite the situation, I felt a surge of heat pooling deep inside me. He took one of my hands and placed it over his shoulder, his own arm wrapped securely around me, making it even harder to focus on anything other than the feeling of his fingers grazing my damp skin.

GOD, everything he was doing was making me wetter than I already was. My heart raced, my breath quickening as I leaned into him, my breasts pressing firmly against his side as he helped me hobble forward. Every step we took together heightened the awareness of his touch, the scent of his skin, the heat radiating between us. The fear was still there, lurking in the back of my mind, but it was being drowned out by the overpowering desire that his every move seemed to ignite.

As we approached the narrow path in the cave, Faizi slipped out from beneath my arm, positioning himself directly behind me. His hands found their place on either side of my waist, steadying me with a firm yet gentle grip. He seemed to be growing more comfortable with touching my bare skin, and I was absolutely loving it. His fingers sent little sparks of pleasure through me every time they brushed against my waist, but I knew I needed to keep my focus. There was a task at hand, and we had to get through this dark, narrow passage to reach the other side of the cave.

I carefully placed my hands on the rocks lining the path, feeling the cool, slippery surface of the moss-covered stone beneath my fingers. Each step was cautious as I hopped forward on one leg, my injured foot hovering just above the ground. Faizi moved in perfect sync with me, his hands never leaving my waist, providing stability and an unspoken assurance that he wouldn’t let me falter.

Three steps in, as I reached out to steady myself with my right hand, my palm brushed against something scaly and wriggling. Panic surged through me, and I let out a shriek, stumbling back into Faizi’s chest. His arms immediately encircled my belly, pulling me close and steadying me with a firm, protective embrace.

“FUCKK!! Deepika?? Are you okay?? What happened???” Faizi’s voice was laced with concern, his hands gripping me tightly.

“I… I touched something moving,” I managed to gasp, my breath coming in quick, uneven bursts. “It felt like a worm or a millipede. I think I might have accidentally squished it a bit under my palm, and it recoiled.”

“Oh, it’s alright. Relax,” he said soothingly, giving my belly a few reassuring pats. It was then that my mind registered his hands were more intimately positioned than I’d initially realized. His palm rested warmly against my belly, and his index finger lingered lazily on the edge of my navel. With a slight curl, he could easily slip it inside.

The unexpected proximity and touch made my belly quiver, and I felt a rush of arousal replacing the earlier shock. I didn’t move, lingering in that moment, silently hoping he might venture further, exploring the depths of my sensitive navel.

“Umm, Deepika?” he whispered, breaking me out of my reverie. Ugh, this guy. I cursed inwardly as I sighed and half-heartedly straightened up, feeling his hands retreat to my sides once more. However, this time, instead of holding me firmly, his hands were now merely caressing and pressing my waist with a gentle touch. Grinning in the darkness, knowing he couldn’t see my face, I resumed hopping forward, being extra cautious about where I placed my hands.

His hands were more distracting than helpful now that they were simply caressing, rather than supporting me. Not only were his touches lingering on my sides, but some of his caresses also wandered to my belly. The sensations were so distracting that they made my legs weaken, causing me to buckle under the one leg I was relying on and fall back into his chest. Each time this happened, he would instinctively wrap his arms around my stomach and nuzzle his nose into my hair. It was clear that he was teasing and playing with me, and despite the precariousness of our situation, I was loving every second of it.

I made no effort to be more careful. Instead, I found myself becoming more deliberately clumsy, allowing myself to fall back into his arms repeatedly, making sure he could feel my belly each time. Every time I stumbled, I could sense his erection pressing against my bum.I even indulged in a few subtle, teasing movements, grinding against him to heighten his arousal. Both of us were growing increasingly turned on with every step and touch. His hands, once merely supportive, were now exploring my body with more intent—pressing, pinching, and caressing my flesh, eliciting gasps from me and making me crave more of his touch.

It was hard to say who was more disappointed when the narrow path finally came to an end, taking away our excuse to keep indulging in each other’s touch. Still, by some silent understanding, we stayed close, his arms remaining securely wrapped around me as we both gazed up at the long-awaited opening.

And it was indeed an opening—big enough for an adult to climb through. Moonlight streamed down from above, casting a dim glow that vaguely illuminated both of us after being enveloped in darkness for so long. The only drawback was that the hole was a bit too high to reach easily.

After a few seconds of looking Faizi said “So Deepika…Here is what we are going to do. I will hoist you up into that opening. You peek your head out and let me know what you see. Check if that elephant is still around. If not we can climb outside and try to find that Jamba fruit tree I saw earlier.”

“Hmm ok” I agreed immediately and turned around to look up at him. The dark silhouette of his face made a motion like he was was nodding at me and he bend down to wrap his hands around my thighs. Next second I felt myself getting hoisted into the air and my head passing the small hole. I immediately got hold of the ground above and tried to peek around.

What immediately caught my eye was a worm crawling right in front of my face. I let out a horrified screech and instinctively let go. In my panic, I wildly thrashed my legs, accidentally kneeing Faizi in his stomach. His grip loosened, causing me to slide down his hold and fall heavily on top of him. As he lost his balance and fell backward, I wrapped my arms around his head tightly and pressed his face into my cleavage, seeking some semblance of comfort amidst the chaos.

We both groaned in pain as we fell to the floor in a tangled heap. While my hands around his head might have cushioned his head from having a head concussion, my forearms felt the full brunt of our combined weight. For a few agonizing seconds, all I could feel was a searing pain radiating through my body. As the pain began to ebb, I realized that I might be suffocating Faizi by pressing his head so tightly into my bosom.

Even amidst the discomfort, a sudden thrill shot down my spine as I felt his lips gently sucking on the exposed part of my upper left breast. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, pulling me close, and I could distinctly feel his erection pressing into my belly.

As much as I would have loved to stay in that intimate position and see if his lips would start exploring my flesh, my forearms were throbbing painfully. Gasping, I reluctantly released his head and gently pushed myself away from him. The spot on my chest where his lips had been still tingled pleasantly.

“I’m sorry, Faizi… There was a worm above, right in front of my face, and I panicked. Are you okay?” I asked, my voice laced with concern.

“I’m alright…” he groaned as he struggled to sit up. “I think I might have injured my back, though.”

I inwardly cursed myself for letting panic take over. I wished for more light so I could properly assess our injuries, but with none available, our only option was to get out of this cave.

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