Coming Soon
Chapter : 1

Lazy Sunday

Alright, guys! Are you ready to dive back into Malini’s world once again? If you’re new to the series, make sure to check out Malini’s Sensitive Navel before jumping into this one. Enjoy the journey and happy reading!

Thoppul Navel & Leorus

“How about this saree madam? ” asked the over enthusiastic saleskeeper placing yet another saree in front of Ritu. It wasn’t everyday he got to assist such a beautiful and charismatic customer. “Deep maroon with gorgeous golden muthani work.” He continued “This color will pop against your fair vibrant skintone as well. Drape it on your shoulder and let me know what you think, okay?”

Ritu couldn’t help but giggle, utterly charmed by the salesman’s enthusiasm. She followed his suggestion and draped the stunning maroon silk saree across her shoulder, then admired her reflection in the oversized mirror behind her.

“Wow,” she exclaimed in awe. “I absolutely love it. You were right, Thomas. The color really does suit me, and these intricate embroidery works are just beautiful. I’m guessing this doesn’t come cheap, does it?”

Not receiving a immediate response, Ritu shifted her gaze to the reflection of Thomas’s face in the mirror. He seemed deeply engrossed in looking at her reflection in the mirror and his eyes were casted slightly downwards. Ritu had a good idea what he was looking at and looked down at her reflection herself. Sure enough her saree was revealing half of her midriff, including her lovely navel, thanks to her raising her arms to try on the new saree. Grinning mischeviously, she let him enjoy the view. She always loved her navel being admired.

“What do you think Anand kutty? Does this saree suit, Amma?” She inquired, turning sideways to get her son’s opinion. “Anand kuttiee?? Anand ??” Ritu asked looking around alarmed not finding him where he should have been.

“Uff where did this boy go?” She muttered to herself. “ Just a minute Thomas. Let me go and find my son. I’ll be right back.”

She found her 10 year old son on the far side of the floor facing the wall. “There you are.” Ritu said in relief going up behind him and ruffling his hair. “How many times do I have to tell you not to leave my side without telling me? What are you doing here?”

Her son looked up, his face breaking into a bright grin as he pointed his finger towards the wall and said simply, “Malini Akka.”

Ritu looked at the wall now and found herself facing a giant banner of a gorgeous woman lying sideways. The big banner stretched across most of the wall. From the position they were standing, right in front of them was the woman’s incredibly captivating navel which in its 10x enlarged state looked like a mesmerisingly alluring cave. Ritu shifted her gaze from the woman’s gorgeous midsection and traced her vision over the woman’s shapely torso until she arrived at the familiar and beautiful face of her favorite student – Malini.

“Wow it is her. I didn’t notice it when I came in.” Ritu said in awe.

“This is Samudrika Silks afterall Ma. ” Anand said beaming with pride. “Her pictures are everywhere here. Mark my words, it’s only a matter of time before they make Malini akka their official brand ambassador”.

Ritu smiled. “I have no doubt about that. That girl is destined to be a big star one day.” She said looking fondly at her favourite student.

Suddenly, Ritu’s phone buzzed in her hand, interrupting her thoughts. She glanced at the screen and felt her stomach tighten—‘Madhu calling’. Oh no, not now, she thought, dreading the conversation she knew was coming. She steeled herself, letting out a slow breath before answering.

Five tense minutes later, Ritu hung up, her heart heavy. Her worst fears had been confirmed, and now she needed to act fast. Without hesitation, she dialed Malini’s number, desperate to warn her about the situation. But when the automated message said “switched off,” Ritu’s heart sank.

She stared at her phone, anxiety creeping in. There was nothing more she could do. All she could do was hope and pray that Malini would handle the situation she was about to have the right way, that her student had the strength to face whatever storm was coming.


Meanwhile, in a modest single-room apartment on the outskirts of Chennai, a pretty girl lounged comfortably on her sofa, dressed in casual pyjamas. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and she was enjoying the bliss of doing nothing as the TV played softly in the background. The sunlight filtered in through the windows, casting a warm, relaxed glow across the room.

Feeling too lazy to whip up lunch, she reached for her phone, planning to call her boyfriend, Sunny, to see if he was free for a spontaneous lunch date. But to her surprise, her phone wouldn’t turn on. A sigh escaped her lips as she realized she hadn’t charged it since yesterday morning. Plugging it in, she waited for it to boot up.

The moment her phone switched on, a couple of missed call alerts flashed on the screen. She smiled when she saw her teacher Ritu’s name. Wondering what her teacher wanted on a calm Sunday afternoon, she was just about to dial her back when the sound of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts.

Thinking it was probably Chinna, the little boy from next door who often dropped by to hang out, Malini didn’t bother fixing herself up. With her hair slightly tousled and her pyjamas crumpled, she casually walked over to open the door. But instead of the familiar face of her young neighbor, she was greeted by a woman who looked to be in her late forties. Her presence was unexpected, and though Malini couldn’t immediately place her, there was something vaguely familiar about the woman.

“Malini…?” the woman asked, her eyes sweeping over Malini with a critical gaze that made her feel instantly self-conscious. Her relaxed posture stiffened, and for a moment, Malini wished she had taken a second to at least comb her hair or freshen up.

“Yes, I’m Malini,” she responded, her voice polite but slightly unsure. “And you are…?” She trailed off, waiting for an introduction, her curiosity piqued by the stranger’s appearance and her sudden visit.

“Hello, Malini. I’m Madhu Raghavan. Sunny’s mother,” the woman said calmly, her eyes not betraying any emotion.

Malini froze, her heart skipping a beat. Sunny’s mother? Her future mother-in-law? And here she was, looking like a lazy, unkempt mess. Panic surged through her. She had always imagined this meeting to be graceful, poised, and definitely not like this. For a moment, she couldn’t move or think. Her mind raced with thoughts of how she must appear to Madhu right now—disheveled and far from the picture-perfect girlfriend.

When she finally snapped back to reality, she stammered, “H-hello, ma’am… I mean, aunty. What a surprise… Please, come inside.” She forced a nervous smile, gesturing toward the living room.

Madhu maintained her straight, unreadable expression as she stepped inside, taking a seat on the sofa. Malini offered her the most comfortable spot, but as soon as Madhu sat down, she excused herself and darted to her bedroom. She quickly freshened up, her hands shaking as she splashed cold water on her face and hastily changed into a more presentable outfit—just a simple T-shirt and jeans, the quickest option she could find. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she couldn’t stop thinking about the impression she’d already made.

While she was gone, Madhu silently observed the apartment, her eyes taking in every detail, though her expression gave nothing away.

When Malini returned, looking a little more put-together, she asked with a forced cheerfulness, “Would you like a cup of coffee, aunty?”

Madhu gave a small nod of affirmation. Without a second’s delay, Malini rushed to the kitchen and prepared coffee for both of them, trying her best to stay calm. She handed Madhu a cup and stood awkwardly, despite Madhu gesturing for her to sit.

“Please, sit,” Madhu said in a measured tone, but Malini, still too anxious, continued to stand, nervously sipping her coffee.

Madhu took a slow sip of her coffee, her eyes never leaving Malini’s face. “Let me come straight to the point, Malini,” she began, her tone measured and direct. “I’m a busy businesswoman, and I don’t always have the time to keep track of Sunny’s activities. However, I’ve recently learned from Ritu that Sunny is in love with you. Initially, she didn’t share much, but after some persistence from my side, she told me everything. In fact, she gave you a very high recommendation.”

Madhu paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. “Sunny doesn’t know I’m visiting you today. While he’s mentioned you a few times, he hasn’t spoken to me about any proposals or where things are heading. So, I want to hear it from you, Malini. Do you love my Sunny?”

Malini felt the weight of the question. Her heart raced, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts, processing everything Madhu had said. After a deep breath, she looked at Sunny’s mother, her eyes clear and steady. “Yes, aunty,” she replied softly but with conviction. “I love him. And I will do anything for him.”

Madhu’s expression remained neutral, but there was a slight shift in her posture, as if she was considering Malini’s words carefully. “Hmm… and why do you love him?” she asked, her voice probing. “What made you decide that Sunny is the one for you?”

Malini smiled slightly, her eyes softening as she thought of Sunny. “Well, it’s obvious that Sunny is a true gentleman. He’s kind, caring, and has always been there for me. But it’s more than that,” she continued, her voice growing more intimate. “I’ve always dreamed of having a partner who admires and cherishes me the way my uncle does with my aunt, or the way Ritu ma’am’s husband adores her.”

She glanced at Madhu, gauging her reaction before continuing. “Sunny… he admires my navel in a way no one else ever has. It might sound strange, but that’s something I’ve always wanted in a life partner—someone who sees that part of me, appreciates it, and loves me entirely. Sunny does that. He’s always encouraged me to be strong, especially in the modeling world, where it can be tough. He’s been a constant source of support, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without him.”

Malini’s smile grew a little wider, a hint of warmth flooding her cheeks. “When someone like that, who loves you deeply and sees you for who you are, actually proposes to you, how could anyone resist?”

Madhu took another sip of her coffee, her eyes narrowing slightly as she leaned forward. “That’s all well and good, Malini. But let me be blunt with you,” she said, her voice firm. “Ever since Sunny was in college, I’ve seen many girls approach him. Some tried to seduce him, exploiting his admiration for navels to their own advantage. Now that he’s in the modeling industry, it’s only gotten worse—models seeking shortcuts to fame by manipulating his weakness. I’ve seen how people change once they reach a certain status, once they have fame and money in their hands.”

She paused, her gaze intense. “You’re an aspiring actress, too. What’s the guarantee that once you become famous, once the money starts flowing, you’ll still stay with Sunny? What’s stopping you from leaving him behind like others have?”

Malini felt the sting of the words but held her ground, her expression soft but determined. “Fame and money come and go, aunty,” she said quietly but firmly. “They’re fleeting. But true love? That stays. I would never risk losing someone like Sunny. He’s the one person in this world I want to share everything with.” She emphasized the word “everything,” her voice carrying a deeper, more personal meaning.

Madhu raised an eyebrow, catching the undertone in Malini’s words. “Be practical, Malini,” she said, her tone sharp. “When you become an actress, you’ll be busy with shoots, events, and endless commitments. Do you even think you’ll have time for modeling?”

Malini gave a small shrug. “Well, it depends, ma’am.”

Madhu wasn’t satisfied. “Exactly. And what’s the guarantee you’ll have time for Sunny? I’ve seen him get hurt before, and I won’t stand by and watch that happen again. I need to know you won’t let him down.”

Malini’s frustration was starting to bubble beneath the surface, but she kept her voice steady. “Aunty, I would never hurt Sunny. Even if Sunny didn’t know Ritu ma’am, even if he didn’t have this… obsession with navels, I would still love him for the good human being that he is. He’s kind, genuine, and he’s supported me in ways no one else ever has.”

Madhu gave a short, sarcastic laugh. “Oh, that’s all just drama talk. You are an actress, after all. I can see that.”

Malini felt a flicker of anger rise in her chest. She had tried to be patient, but the insinuations were starting to wear on her. Holding back her frustration, she took a deep breath, reminding herself of why she was here—to prove her love for Sunny, no matter what.

Madhu’s expression remained calm, but her question came with a sharpness that cut through the air. “So, do your parents know about you and Sunny?”

Malini took a deep breath, steadying herself. “No, ma’am. I haven’t told them yet. I’ll discuss it with them when the time is right.”

Madhu’s gaze hardened. “And will they approve?”

Malini’s jaw tightened, but she maintained her composure. “I will take care of it, ma’am. I’ll convince them and get their approval.”

Madhu leaned back slightly, crossing her arms. “They’re village people, aren’t they? So they’ll be focused on caste and all that nonsense…”

Malini’s patience finally began to fray. Her voice, though controlled, was edged with frustration. “Ma’am, with all due respect, please do not speak about my parents like that. Let’s keep this conversation about me. I will handle their approval.”

Madhu’s gaze narrowed further, testing Malini. “And what if they don’t approve? What will you do then?”

The conversation was spiraling from an uneasy coffee chat into a heated confrontation. Malini could feel her temper rising, but she held it in, biting back her frustration. For Sunny’s sake, she reminded herself. She had to impress his mother, no matter how difficult this was becoming. In an attempt to diffuse the tension, she decided to steer the conversation in a different direction.

“Ma’am,” she began, her tone shifting to one of calm diplomacy, “I think we’re both getting a little worked up. But I have a question for you.” She paused, looking Madhu directly in the eyes. “Aren’t you curious to see up close the navel that Sunny fell in love with? Maybe it would help you understand why he’s so captivated.” Her voice was steady but carried a playful hint, hoping to lighten the mood.

Madhu smirked, her expression finally showing a flicker of amusement. “So now you’re trying to seduce me, huh? You’re cunning, Malini. I’ve seen all your ads, every angle. What’s going to be different this time? Let’s see.”

Without breaking eye contact, Malini slowly lifted the hem of her top, revealing the smooth, toned skin of her midriff. Her navel, the one feature Sunny adored above all else, now in full view. It was her best asset, and she knew it, standing confidently as Madhu’s eyes briefly scanned the sight in front of her.

“Ahh… If you don’t mind,” Madhu asked hesitantly, her voice a mix of curiosity and awe, “can I touch it?”

Malini, with a playful smile and a slight tilt of her head, responded, “Sure, ma’am. Go ahead.”

Just as Madhu’s fingers were about to make contact with Malini’s delicate navel, there was a sudden, loud BAAAM! A guava fruit flew in from nowhere, smacking Malini squarely on her navel with an unexpected force.

“Ssssss…” Malini hissed involuntarily, her body instinctively recoiling from the impact, both from surprise and pleasure.

Madhu, too, jumped, her hand withdrawing as both women turned to see what had caused the disruption. The half-open main door revealed a grinning Chinna, standing there with a half-eaten guava in his hand, clearly proud of himself.

“This time I hit exactly on your thoppul, right? I finally gain a point!” Chinna shouted gleefully, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Malini, recovering from the shock, couldn’t help but laugh. She smiled at Chinna, amused by his game, while Madhu stood there, utterly confused by the turn of events. The serious tone from moments ago was gone, replaced by a strange mix of humor and disbelief at what had just happened.

To be Continued

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