Hidden Pulse

by Jonas Khanwald
Chapter : 6

The Aftermath

Sandeep couldn’t sleep that night. The day’s events replayed in his mind over and over, each thought burdened with guilt. What had he done? How had he allowed himself to cross that line with Priya? His assistant, a junior doctor. He let his personal urges to take control. How he had lost control, driven by desire. As for Priya, she was equally unsettled by what had happened, though not in the same way. She felt a rush of excitement from the intimacy, the memory of Sandeep kissing her navel. It wasn’t what she had expected, but she couldn’t deny the attraction she’d long held for him. The moment had stirred feelings she hadn’t anticipated, and now, she was left wondering how to deal with them.

The clinic buzzed with it’s usual activity the next day. Sandeep and Priya both avoided eye contact. Their glances brushed each other, but neither dared to hold the gaze for too long. There was an undeniable awkwardness between them, one they couldn’t ignore.

It was just before lunch when Priya knocked on the door of Sandeep’s cabin. She stepped inside to inform him of an update about the patients records. “I’ve mailed an update to the patient’s medical records you provided, Doctor,” she said, her voice steady, though her eyes avoided his. “Okay, I’ll look into it,” Sandeep replied, his voice neutral. But as Priya turned to leave, he suddenly stood up, an impulse sparking within him. “Wait,” he called, catching her before she could slip away. She paused mid-step, turning to face him, her expression a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Sandeep swallowed hard, gathering the courage to speak. “Priya… about what happened yesterday,” he began, “I want to apologise”. Priya felt her heart race and she interrupted him. “Dr. Sandeep, I think it’s better if we just move on. It was—”.

“No, please,” he interrupted, the desperation evident. “I just… I need to say something. I shouldn’t have let it happen. I overstepped. You’re my assistant, and I acted on my personal desires without considering how it might affect you.”

He glanced away, his guilt hanging thick in the air. “I’m so sorry, Priya. I never meant to make you uncomfortable. It was wrong of me.”

Priya felt the weight of his words. “It was just an accident, Doctor. We can… we can forget about it.”

“No, it wasn’t just an accident. I can’t just forget it,” he insisted. “I’ve been thinking about it all night. I feel terrible. I took advantage of your trust, and I’m really sorry”

Priya’s heart sank at the way he seemed to shoulder all the blame. It was true that she had allowed it to happen, and while she didn’t regret it, seeing Sandeep so weighed down made her feel uncomfortable.

“Dr. Sandeep,” she began softly, but he was already lost in his thoughts. Seeing his distress, Priya felt a surge of affection mixed with guilt. She didn’t want him to feel this way. “Doctor,” she said, trying to interject. “It wasn’t just you”

He looked at her, his eyes searching for clarity, but she hesitated. How could she tell him she liked him without complicating everything further? Instead, she saw the tension in his shoulders, the way he seemed to sink further into himself with every word he spoke.

“Please don’t apologize anymore,” she said gently. “It makes me feel… guilty for making you feel this way. I was just as much a part of that moment as you were. It happened because I let it happen”

Sandeep shook his head, still feeling uneasy. “But it felt like I crossed a line. I just—” He stopped, hesitating, then took a breath. “When your body brushed against me while unhooking that belt, I couldn’t help it. I got lost in the moment and kissed your…” his voice trailed off.

Priya noticed his hesitation and smiled softly, a playful glint in her eyes. “Navel” she finished for him, her tone light yet teasing.

He blinked, caught off guard by how easily she said it. Hearing the word “navel” from Priya sent a strange yet undeniable sensation through him. His heart raced, and she could see it, evident in the slight sparkle in his eyes.

“I didn’t mind it, Sandeep. Not at all,” she admitted “In fact, it felt… kind of nice”

“Nice?” he echoed, trying to gauge her seriousness. Sandeep’s breath quickened at her admission, a mixture of relief and excitement running through him. Priya couldn’t help but smile wider. Her behaviour was too much of a relief for Sandeep in that moment, easing the tension.

She reached out and took his hand, guiding it gently to rest on the side of her waist, just over the soft fabric of her churidar. The warmth of her skin seeped through, sending a thrill through him. “It wasn’t one-sided, Doctor. You didn’t force anything,” she said, her voice gentle but firm, “I let it happen because I wanted it to happen. I was just as much a lost in that moment as you were.” she said, “It wasn’t just you. I’m part of this too. And it’s not something that I regret”.

Sandeep was taken aback, feeling her hand linger on his as it rested on her curves. “I just didn’t want to make you feel like I was… using you,” he muttered.

Priya, now unable to hold back any longer, looked up at him, her expression full of affection. “Ohh my dear Doctor,” she said softly, “I’ve always admired you, you aren’t just a senior doctor to me, but more than that. What happened yesterday wasn’t wrong for me. I felt it too.”

“You… did?”

Priya nodded. “I’m not upset about what happened. It made me realize how much I’ve been drawn to you.” Sandeep swallowed hard, his throat dry. “I… I was,” he admitted, feeling an unexpected thrill at her teasing. “I couldn’t help it. It was like everything else faded away.”

“I could tell,” she teased gently. “It was like you forgot everything else. Just… you and my navel.” He blushed lightly. A deep sense of relief washed over him because of Priya’s attitude towards him.

“Yeah, I… I can’t explain how it happened, I just got lost in the moment. it felt so right even if it was wrong”

“Maybe we were both a little lost,” Priya replied, “But I didn’t mind being lost in that moment with you. I just thought it was a little unconventional, hehe” her tone a bit teasing yet sincere.

He couldn’t help but chuckle, the tension began to melt away. Sandeep nodded, his heartbeat steadying as their conversation flowed. “Unconventional doesn’t have to be bad. Sometimes, it can be… enlightening.”

“Exactly,” she agreed. “And I think we both learned something about each other.”

“Like how I should probably keep my hands to myself?” he joked, but there was an underlying truth in his words.

“Or how we shouldn’t shy away from exploring our feelings,” Priya countered, her voice playful with a hint of mischief. As their conversation continued, Sandeep felt a sense of comfort. He could feel the remnants of their connection still in the air, and for the first time since the incident, he felt lighter.

“I should get back to the reception,” Priya finally said, letting go of his hand. “We’ve got a busy day ahead.”

“Yeah, of course,” Sandeep replied.

As the door closed behind her, Sandeep exhaled a deep relief. The guilt that had consumed him was fading, and the shadows of his past relationship was slowly lifting. Sandeep realized he was beginning to move on, but this time with a newfound connection—one that offered hope and warmth for what lay ahead.

The rest of the day in the clinic went by as usual. Sandeep felt a noticeable relief, like a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders after the conversation with Priya. The tension that had haunted him all night was gone, replaced by a strange sense of comfort and connection that went beyond their roles as doctor and assistant.

As the day came to an end, Sandeep found himself looking around for Priya. He wanted to see her again, even if just to exchange a few words or share a brief glance. There was something new between them now, something special that he hadn’t expected to feel. But as he checked around the clinic, Priya was nowhere to be found.

Curious, he approached the receptionist. “Did Priya leave already?” he asked.

The receptionist nodded. “Yes, Doctor. She had to leave early because of an emergency. She tried to inform you, but you were busy with patients, so she couldn’t.”

He had hoped to see her before leaving. Now, it felt like a moment had slipped away. As he made his way home, Sandeep settled down after a long day. With some quiet time to himself, he relaxed.

Just then, his phone buzzed with a message. It was a whatsapp text from Priya.

“Sorry for not informing you about my early exit. I was in a hurry, Doctor.”

Sandeep couldn’t help but smile at the message. Even in her rush, she had thought to reach out. It was a small gesture, but it meant more to him than he expected

Sandeep: “It’s alright Priya. Is everything okay? Why did you leave early?”

Priya: “Yeah, sorry about that! Had to rush out to pick my mom up from a relative’s place. I wanted to tell you but you were busy with patients.”

(Priya’s reply was instant)

Sandeep: “Ah, I see. No worries. Have you eaten yet?”

Priya: “Not yet, just got back home. You?”

Sandeep: “I’m just settling in after the day.” (then after a pause sandeep texted again) “It felt strange not seeing you before you left, though.”

Priya: “Strange? You missed me that much already?”

Sandeep: “Well… let’s just say I noticed when you weren’t around.”

Priya: “Noted. I’ll make sure not to leave without saying goodbye next time.”

(After a few seconds of silence the dots of her typing appeared again.)

Priya: “I guess I left an impression yesterday, didn’t I?”

(Sandeep could almost feel the teasing in her words. He knew what she was referring to but wasn’t sure if he should steer the conversation that way.)

Sandeep: “You could say that.”

Priya: “Maybe it had something to do with how you… lost yourself yesterday. You seemed very… focused.”

(Sandeep’s pulse quickened. He couldn’t help but play along.)

Sandeep: “Focused,huh?”

Priya: “Not focused. More like… entranced.”

Sandeep: “Entranced hmmm, i suppose that’s one way to put it.” (He paused for a bit and then added) “It’s hard not to be… entranced by certain things that are so perfect.”

Priya: “Certain things, huh? Like what? You seem like you’re hesitating to say it.”

Sandeep: “Well, it’s not every day that someone’s navel has that kind of effect on me.”

(He felt a jolt of excitement after typing it, wondering how she would react)

Priya: “Oh, so it’s my navel that had you spellbound?”

Sandeep: “It’s hard to not get captivated by it, I’ll admit. I think you do know the effect it had on me.”

Priya: “Oh, I’m very aware Doctor, You weren’t exactly subtle about it, I’m sure you’re still thinking about yesterday”

Sandeep: “Can’t deny that… Yesterday was definitely unforgettable.”

Priya: “Unforgettable, huh?”

Sandeep: “Well, to be honest… I haven’t stopped thinking about that moment.”

Priya: “Thinking about my navel, huh? And what exactly have you been thinking about?”

(She was being coy, letting the conversation linger between the lines.)

Sandeep: “About how soft it felt… how perfect it was. I couldn’t help wanting to get closer.”

(He felt a thrill typing that out, imagining her reaction. He wasn’t holding back anymore)

Priya: “Closer, huh? You did seem pretty intent on getting a good look yesterday. Seems like I underestimated the power of my navel”

Sandeep: “It’s more powerful than you know. And trust me, I didn’t want that moment to end.”

Priya: “You know… I didn’t either.”

Sandeep: “So you enjoyed it as much as I did?”

Priya: “Enjoyed it? Hmmm let’s just say I didn’t mind feeling you that close… and I could tell you didn’t mind either, hehe”

Sandeep: “You could definitely say that, Priya. It was hard..umm to pull away.”

(His pulse raced as he waited for her response, wondering how far she’d take the teasing.)

Priya: “Maybe next time you won’t have to.”

Sandeep: “Next time, huh? Are you saying there will be a next time?”

Priya: “Maybe… if you can handle it.”

Sandeep: “I’m pretty sure I can handle anything you throw my way.”

Priya: “Careful, Doctor. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

Sandeep: “I’m not making any promises I can’t keep… but I might be hoping for a little more of that magnetism.”

Priya: “Hmm… maybe you’ll just have to wait and find out tomorrow.”

Sandeep: “Ahhh now you’ve got me intrigued.”

Priya: “Good. That’s exactly what I wanted, haha”

Sandeep: “You definitely know how to keep me guessing, Priya.”

Priya: “Maybe I like seeing you a little… Entranced.” (Sandeep’s heart raced as he read her final message, his mind now swirling with anticipation for what tomorrow might bring.) Goodnight doctor!!

To be Continued

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